- The SFV Team
Have You Used Your Straw Today?®
The straw is about as uncomplicated as anything you’ve ever tried, but of course, the more you use a straw to help your voice the more questions you’ll have. This is where we step in.
Strawsforvoice.com was started by Liz Johnson, a vocologist and voice teacher in Nashville, TN, and her brother, George, an engineer and web designer in the Northwest. The term “Have You Used Your Straw Today?” was George’s inspiration and was trademarked in 2018. We like this phrase because it’s a gentle reminder that regular use of straws can be a simple and easy way to realize huge improvements in vocal health and performance.
Since then, our the team has moved from selling physical products (because let’s be honest, any straw will work) to being a source of education and digital support materials for singers and other voice users interested in science based practices.
We love sharing ideas that have the potential to make a huge impact, but also don’t cost much in terms of time or money.
We also like sharing vocal techniques that seem like magic, but really aren’t. There is a mountain of research explaining the benefits of straw phonation (singing through a straw), and because of that we feel confident about sharing it far and wide.
You don’t have to understand the science to experience the benefit, but just in case you want to know more, we support your efforts to learn as much as possible. Think of this site as a curated straw phonation resource. You won’t find everything here, but you’ll find a good bit of thoughtful info to get you started and then develop expertise with straw phonation.
The straw is not a gimmick, or the latest voice fad, although it can seem that way on the internet. The straw is just a straw, and because you can find one almost anywhere we think it’s extra amazing. These are the kind of life hacks that make us the happiest! The simpler the better.
One of the things we like to say is that after you’ve learned about the straw, your only responsibility is to share it with others. We never know who we’re going to reach, or who’s voice we are going to help. Millions of people could use this information, so this is our effort to spread the word. How will you help spread the word?
Feel free to look around and get ideas about how to help your own voice.
Thank you for stopping by!
- The SFV Team
All Rights Reserved | Straws For Voice